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Frequently Asked Membership Questions

Membership FAQs

What’s new, what has changed?

In 2020, as part of our rollout of being an Integral Ministry Practice, Spiritual Life Center updated the bylaws. The Board also developed a Membership Policy to reflect the new aspects of membership within a “spiritual cooperative” of our "mission-centric" ministry which are key components of bring an Integral Ministry Practice. Beginning in 2021, SLC adopted a phased-in membership process for newcomers. 


What are the phases of membership?

For new members - when someone decides they want to become a member of SLC, they will be asked to commit to saying yes to three things. (Click here to learn more about the Three Yesses for Membership.) They will begin as a non-voting Community Member for one year. After that one year, they are eligible to become a Governing Member with the ability to vote on any church matters. 


What are the commitments that will be asked of me for membership?

You will be asked to commit to saying “yes” to three things (the Three Yesses):

  1. I say YES to participating in spiritual education classes, small group ministries and other ways of deepening my spiritual practice.

  2. I say YES to sharing my talents in some form of meaningful service within SLC or out into the community.

  3. I say YES to a designated level of monthly financial support consistent with being in integrity with my capacity to contribute my fair share to the overall operations of Spiritual Life Center.


How do I know if I am a Governing/Voting Member?

Everyone who has already been attending Spiritual Life Center as of June 1, 2020, were automatically “grandfathered" into this new policy as Governing Members in 2021. We ask that you renew your Governing Membership on an annual basis so we can keep our records accurate.


What about membership for teens, are there any age limits for membership?

A new Youth Membership phase has been added. Youth membership is open to those who are between 13 and 17 years of age. They are considered non-voting Community Members. When they turn 18 they are eligible to become voting Governing members.


Is there a minimum amount giving level required for membership?

No there is no minimum giving level required for membership. You are asked to give what you can.


Our third YES for membership is: “I say YES to a designated level of recurring financial support consistent with being in integrity with my capacity to contribute my fair share to the overall operations of Spiritual Life Center.”


Please note that the statement reminds you to be integrity with your capacity to contribute your fair share to the overall operations of SLC. This is a personal decision, and we will offer a suggested cooperative share amount of $225 to give on a recurring monthly basis, BUT it is entirely your decision.


How will the church know if I’ve met the Three Yesses?

You will self-certify your commitment to the three yesses in your annual renewal process. This is a spiritual agreement you make with yourself.


What is the process for renewal?

To retain your membership, you will need to renew it annually.


What are the timeframes for renewal?

You can renew anytime online but to be eligible to vote as a current Governing Member at community-wide membership meetings, you must be a renewed Governing Member for any meeting held within that calendar year. Membership renewal campaigns will take place typically 3 times a year, before the first membership meeting at the beginning of the year, before the May Annual Meeting, and at the end of the year to gather financial commitments for the upcoming year.


Why are we initiating a membership renewal process?

We ask all our Governing Members to complete a new membership application each year for the following reasons:


  • To confirm each member's annual financial commitment;

  • To ensure we have accurate email, address, and phone numbers; and

  • To have accurate membership numbers to report to Unity Worldwide Ministries for their annual report. 


There is also a spiritual reason for membership renewal each year and that is to recommit to the Three Yesses for your spiritual growth and your spiritual family. 


What happens if I forget to renew?

You can renew at any time, however, if you are not renewed by the Annual Meeting, you will not be eligible to vote.


What if I want to take a break from being a member? How do I reinstate my membership and what’s required?

You may reinstate your membership within a year after lapse by completing a renewal form and recommitting to the Three Yesses. For more information, see the Reinstatement section of the bylaws.


What if I do not choose to become a member?

We welcome you wherever you are on your spiritual path and at whatever level of commitment is right for you. If you are not interested in membership, but wish to support SLC, we welcome your support, and ask that if you give on a regular basis that you donate via electronic funds transfer (EFT) so that we know what we can count on for regular financial support. Contact SLC's Accounting Manager Randy Sizemore at or call (916) 448-6508 to set up your EFT donations. Whatever amount you give, giving via EFT allows us to create an accurate budget for SLC.


I've been coming to SLC since it was founded but never joined but would like to now become a more active member.

Based on the criteria above, you will already be considered a member and will just need to complete a renewal form for the current year and commit to the Three Yesses. 


What if I am part of a couple who are members of SLC? Do we renew as a couple or as individuals?

Everyone’s spiritual journey is a personal one so we are asking for individual membership renewals. This allows us to keep individual records and contact information for folks as well as individual commitments to the Three Yesses. If your giving is as a couple, just divide that amount in half as your projected amount. You can continue to give in one single amount as you always have.


I am new to SLC. How do I become a member?

We are so glad that you are here, and we honor your commitment to this community. If you are ready to say YES to membership, simply complete the Community Membership Application by clicking on the link below. We also offer bi-monthly new member orientations for those interested in learning more about becoming an SLC Community Member before submitting the commitment form. The next Community Member Information Session will be posted on the Upcoming Events page of our website. Stay tuned for registration details. 


More Questions?


Email us at:

or call Spiritual Life Center at (916) 448-6508

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© 2024 Spiritual Life Center.

501(c)(3) Nonprofit, Tax ID 94-3308780

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